アクチノイドあるいは希土類を含むf電子系化合物は、比較的よく局在したf電子と伝導電子が絡み合って織りなす強相関電子系の物理です。伝導電子の有効質量が通常の100倍から1000倍にも到達するため、重い電子系の物理と呼ばれています。電子間の強い相関によって、磁性と超伝導の共存・競合、多極子秩序、非フェルミ液体、量子臨界現象など多彩で魅惑的な物性物理の宝庫です。私たちの研究室では、世界でもまれなアクチノイド施設を利用して、アクチノイド・希土類化合物の純良単結晶育成および新物質開発を行っています。極低温、強磁場、超高圧の極限環境下での精密測定を通じて、新現象の発見、新しい物理の解明を目指しています。たとえば、私たちが発見したNpPd5Al2は、ネプツニウム化合物で世界初の超伝導体です。アクチノイドを利用した電池の研究等も行っています。国内はもちろんのこと国際的な共同研究も積極的に行っています。 結晶構造に由来した奇妙な物性の探索
Heavy fermion physics including actinide compounds
The physics of f-electron systems, including both actinide and rare earth compounds, are an important aspect of strongly correlated electron systems, where the nearly localized f-electrons and the conduction electrons show strong interactions. As the effective mass of conduction electrons reaches values 100-1000 times larger than the bare electron mass, they are called heavy fermion physics. Owing to the strong interaction between electrons, a large variety of fascinating phenomena, such as coexistence/competition of magnetism and superconductivity, multipole order, non-fermi liquid, quantum critical phenomena, are found. We grow high quality single crystals of actinide and rare earth compounds and develop new materials in our actinide facility which is rare in the world. By means of precise measurements under extreme conditions (low temperature, high field, high pressure) on high quality single crystals, we aim to discover new phenomena and new physics. For instance we have discovered NpPd5Al2, the first Np-based superconductor. We also study actinide based material in view of applications such as for batteries. Not only domestic collaborations but also international collaborations are strongly promoted.